December 3, 2021 “Turkey & Europe: Future of Cities | Data Management, Access to Finance and Disaster Management” Webinar
TÜSİAD, alongside its Project Partners Institut du Bosphore, TÜRKONFED, Berlin Bosphorus Initiative, Özyeğin University (ÖzÜ) and ÖzÜ – TÜSİAD Sustainable Development Forum is implementing an interactive dialogue platform entitled “Turkey & Europe: An Integrated Service-Device-Technology Roadmapping for Smart and Green Cities Alliances”.
This project brings together through virtual meetings the representatives of 9 European and Turkish pilot cities – namely İstanbul, İzmir, Gaziantep, Konya, Ankara, London, Paris, Berlin, Utrecht-, the ministries and various key stakeholders to explore how a connected green & smart ecosystem can meet the challenges of the future. A roadmap for an integrated service – device – technology for smart and green cities will be devised based on the interactive discussions.
In order to introduce an exhaustive scope of the topic at hand and provide a framework of constructive discussion, the webinar entitled “Turkey & Europe: Future of Cities | Data Management, Access to Finance and Disaster Management” was organised on 3rd of December 2021.
Following TÜSİAD Germany Network President and Siemens Turkey CEO Dr. Hüseyin Gelis’ opening remarks, the debate moderated by Allianz Turkey CEO Tolga Gürkanwelcomed Özyeğin University Lecturer, Assoc. Prof. Ebru Tekin Bilbil, EY Partner and New Markets – Innovation Leader Mehmet Gülez, Axa Group Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer, Céline Soubranne and OECD Urban Policies and Sustainable Development Division Economist and Political analyst Camille Viros.